Aras Steel Store with more than two decades of experience, started its activity with the aim of providing equipment and supplies needed for large power plant projects, oil, gas, petrochemical and development projects and water supply, and during its activity was able to provide a wide range of services to provide the mentioned sections. Steel Aras, with its experienced staff and relying on extensive relationships with reputable domestic and foreign companies and factories, and having the information of the technical engineering day, as well as years of experience working with various projects and companies, is ready to do so in the shortest time and with the appropriate The highest price, the highest quality in accordance with international standards and standards of consulting engineers to provide custom goods design projects.

Now, Steel Paykar Aras Company, with the support of its long-term history and specialized forces, is ready to accept the requests of our dear customers with the aim of expanding relations and services in the field of infrastructure facilities.
Petrochemical valves
Used to regulate fluid flow. If the flow enters from the side, the petrochemical valves will not function properly. The flow in gate petrochemical valves or gate valves, unlike single-seat sliding valves, can be from both sides. These petrochemical valves are used to transfer liquid and gas hydrocarbons. The most important advantages of butterfly petrochemical valves are their small volume and rotational movement of the handle (up to 90 degrees). Also, due to the design of petrochemical valves, fluid is not trapped in them. Butterfly petrochemical valves are produced in all sizes and with different materials. Application of petrochemical valves in vacuum systems and transfer of liquid fluids and powders.
What is a flange?
Flanges are steel parts that are used to make a connection and can connect the pipe to other piping items such as vibrators, valves, etc. Various methods for connecting the pipe and its items to each other or to existing equipment Such as welding and…, one of which is flange fittings.